It’s all about Love, Rejection, and Happiness. This song takes you through the whole natural gamut of emotions. Sometimes you are rocking for the fun of it.Sometimes you are rocking for the thrill of it.Sometimes you are rocking for the love of it.Sometimes there’s no one to rock with, and you burn with desire to […]
An immersive and intense song characterized by the splendid piano writings of Cosimi and the voice of Palazzoli, WA. In this song your soul is guided by the angels who open every door to experience the heaven’s light.
What if – JOW
What If against all the things we think we know there’s is a power in control, a hand that guides our destiny. JOW posed the question. What if God is the answer to all the questions we pretend to understand. What if it’s the same faith it requires not to believe is the same faith it requires […]