Love Lifted Me
JOW brings a chillout vibe to the magical hymn ‘Love Lifted Me’ written in 1912 by James Rowe. He seeks to reemphasise the message of what is the ultimate truth, that there’s not greater love than laying down your life for someone else. JOW says mankind over the centuries have been seeking a way to […]
Hear Our Cries
The fact that the human family cannot definitively state their origin in times of doubt, uncertainties and happiness we call out to the universe for assistance with our pains and acceptance of our Love.
My My Hey Hey
The idea of Wa to revisit the cover OF My My Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue) from Neil Young, came because of a sentence of the lyrics: “Rock and Roll will never die”. In this very difficult moment that the entire world is living, music and arts in general are suffering. We all need […]
Cry Blue
Cry Blue is an evocative track that muses on memory. Something that you thought you’d forgotten about can be brought to life by a seemingly unrelated trigger, and with it all the associated feelings and thoughts. Even if the incident recalled is from a long time ago. A smell or a vaguely familiar face or […]
Shine On Me
Shine On Me is the fourth single from Mari Conti, contained on her forthcoming album Invisible Things . We are going through a period that can easily be described as our darkest hour, at least the current crisis feel like it.Shine On Me encourages us to see the light through the difficult times believing in […]
Destiny Ride
Mozez have delved into his thoughts to bring us Destiny Ride a song that looks at mankind quests to go beyond the confines of our earthly borders, proposing a future where we can travel beyond stars like the immortals. Suggesting mankind quest for the stars is equal to his quest to conquer hate, seemingly suggesting […]
Whitelight Collection – Whiteligh
The debut album from producer Tony White, a collection of tracks from his works Featuring grammy nominated Tenzin Choeygal, Mozez, Iqbal Baher, Evie and others.
How Great Thou Art – JOW
New single How Great Thou Art by JOW from his forthcoming gospel album Thy Kingdom Come. A delightful take on the traditional gospel track beautifully rendered .
Single out on the 28 of January. [easy_media_download url=”″ text=”Free Download” color=”red_darker”]